Terms of Cooperation

Terms of Cooperation

The company is founded for the definite purposes of the Company as specified in the statutory documents, and shall not do any other business without amendments to the statutory documents of the Company. The written notice of any changes to the shareholders, directors or officials of the Company should be sent to us not later than 5 working days from the date of such changes. The responsibility for non-observance of the above-stated conditions shall rest with the officials of the company.

The nominated officials of the Company will not carry out any written instructions which appear them as dishonest, illegal, improper, wrong, incomplete, entering into error or inconsistent with the statutory documents. Any person provided by us as the nominated shareholder, director, secretary of the Company or other official, can at any time or from time to time execute any other functions for any other company / legal person established or controlled by us.

The advice on opening the accounts of the Company do not contain and do not mean or apply any guarantees or obligations from us to bank or other financial establishment that may open accounts for the Company. The prices for services also include additional expenses, such as the cost of transfer, the courier, telecommunications and other expenses, taxes and duties, which can be incurred by us under execution of any service, if it not is declared specifically in the description of the relevant service.

C&A Lawyers LLP will not be liable to the third parties or the Client for any loss of profit or other losses that have taken place due to the breach of contract while rendering services. Indemnification amount in case of material damage will not exceed the amount paid by the Client. Reclamations regarding the documents received outside of C&A Lawyers LLP offices are not accepted.

If any bill for one month is not paid within 30 days from date of its presentation we reserve the right to request a deposit in order to prevent the incurred of possible expenses before the further granting of services. All delayed bills are a subject to interest of 12 % per annum, calculated from the date of which these bills became outstanding.