United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the leading business locations in the world and the number one destination for inward investment in Europe. Its attractive business environment is at the core of its success. As a jurisdiction, the UK is known for its relatively low tax burden, flexible employment laws, political stability and legal impartiality. These advantages don’t happen in isolation; they’re backed up by good employment regulations, including a minimum wage, reliable tax collection processes, and a financial regulation system that requires regular audits and accountability.

We offer the following legal services:

      • Registration and management of companies with different forms of ownership;
      • Company liquidation; company re-domiciliation;
      • Nominee shareholder services;
      • Establishing of company branches and places of business activities;
      • Shares sale and purchase agreements;
      • Declaration of trust establishment and shareholder agreement;
      • International partnership establishment;
      • Trustee Owner services;
      • Depositing with the third party till fulfillment of certain conditions and trustee services;
      • Notary services and apostille certification;
      • Trust Deed and Shareholder Agreements preparation;
      • Registration of International Partnerships;
      • Depositing with the third party till fulfillment of certain conditions and trustee services;
      • Preparation of VAT reports, financial and tax statements;
      • Submission of reports to tax inspection;
      • Trademarks registration;
      • Accounts opening;
      • VAT numbers obtainment registration in the Chamber of Commerce;
      • Tax Residency Certificates obtainment;
      • Preparation of real estate transactions;
      • Preparation and submission of wage statements;
      • Registered office services.

    Every Client, who requires legal or tax advice, can consult with our legal and tax advisors.

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